Training, spreadsheets and riding with clips

I suspect I spend more time looking at Strava and creating training spreadsheets than doing any actual riding. I wanted to know how far I cycle over a month, so I’ve started a spreadsheet monitoring how many miles I do per day. So far in January I’ve done 230 miles in total, which isn’t bad especially considering I haven’t cycled every day.

Recent achievements include:

  • Surviving the ride from work to Brentford, partly due to wussing out and walking around Hammersmith junction. I was later told by a friend that he has seen at least 3 cyclists in terrible states after being hit by vehicles here, so perhaps it was a wise move.
  • Not hitting any pedestrians on King William Street. This is not an achievement, it is a genuine miracle. These pedestrians are kamikaze.

I just bought another pair of padded shorts. It’s a slippery slope.

I’m trying to get used to riding clipless. Recent fails are mainly to do this, and involve:

  • Falling off my bike outside my office.
  • Falling off my bike at traffic lights by the Horniman Museum.
  • Falling off my bike at traffic lights on East Dulwich Grove, to the amusement of the car I’d just overtaken.
  • Falling off my bike and onto some railings at the bottom of my street.
  • Plus a myriad of other more minor humiliating incidents…

Here is a lovely photo of a ride I went on this weekend with some cycling buddies: